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In the middle of hopelessness and a state of dilemma, Jesus asked a very intriguing question, "How many loaves have ye?"          It is very unlikely to fathom with the hope that any solution could be offered when found in the situation as recorded in Mark 8:1-10. There was hunger, weakness, despair, hopelessness, scarcity and death in view.  The disciples' response was indeed nothing different from mine or yours except we are schooled and able to comprehend what Jesus did to arrest the situation. To have a smooth sail and end well as a Christian on earth, it is important to understand the know-how and steps required to tackle many issues that bedevil us.  As far as the present world is concerned, problems abound. Ranging from health, finance, marriage, family, business, spiritual, and otherwise, every man is encumbered daily with pockets of troubles.  However, these problems are not designed to mar us, rather, they help in shaping our...


There are noises around us today in disguise for the presence of God, whereas He is not there. Structures in the name of "church" are built littering every nation around the world with the intent of God's manifestation, but the manifestation of men.
The fact that it is a big church with a large congregation, the General Overseer is very wealthy, there is a great number of daily miracles, the church has the best choir and whatsoever may have impressed or drawn your attention to the church is not enough evidence that God is there. Many a time, this is just an empty and glorified noise singing praises of men.

1 Kings 19:9-18 tells us about the story of Elijah after he had killed the prophet of Baal. Jezebel the priestess of Baal had issued out a threat to kill him too. Elijah has been in the wilderness running for his dear life when he had an encounter with God. Since there was no other prominent or well-known prophet like him at that time, Elijah thought there was no other prophet in the land and he alone remained. However, to prove his ignorance, God commanded him to go upon the mount before the Lord.
A demonstration of the Lord's presence was staged right before him. First, in the form of a great and strong wind that rents the mountain and breaks in pieces the rocks before the Lord but the Lord was not in the wind. Secondly, after the wind, the same was demonstrated with an earthquake, and third, with fire but the Lord was not in the earthquake neither was He in the fire. But, after all this, the same was demonstrated with a still small voice; and Elijah was able to hear the voice of God again.

Why would God take Elijah on this spiritual journey?

The first three scenes can be generally characterized as physical signs and demonstrations of power which is just an empty and a glorified noise void of God's presence. 
The last scene, however, has no traces of physical sign nor any form of physical demonstration but a hearing that goes beyond the physical, a spiritual hearing even a still small voice.

God just wanted us to know that the fact you are not hearing, seeing or perceiving does not mean that God is not there, His manifestation is a personal experience that can not be judged by anybody.

When you are the only big church around, don't think that God could not be in the smaller churches around you. His presence can be much more manifested as a still small voice than what is obtained in the big churches in the form of the wind, earthquake, and fire symbolized by prohecy which is nothing but noise.

Please, note this is not written to wash down the activities of the big churches around us, the truth is that God can decide to reveal Himself in different forms. For example, He can decide to appear in the form of a pillar of cloud, as He did to the Israelite while in the wilderness during the day, a pillar of fire at night, water when they were thirsty, as an earthquake when they faced the wall of Jericho, even as manna when they were faced with hunger. He can appear in a different form but not always in a noisy disposition. He does appear also in a still small, silent and quiet voice.

That church beside your house indeed may not have a large congregation, it might even be an uncompleted building or a tent, they may not even have musical instruments, the pastor may not even be able to speak correct English, maybe nobody has a car in that church and you believe your class of people does not attend this kind of church.
Are you truly seeking the Almighty God? Then you need to understand that God also dwells in a still small quiet and silent voice too. He is not always in the noise.

Just like Elijah, how would you know your long-awaited miracle is not in the noise? Perhaps, God requires your total and full attention which can only be achieved in a still small quiet and silent environment where there is no noise for your blessing to be perfected. 

When God decided to reveal Himself in a still small voice as He did to Elijah, this means He needs your total and complete attention because that is what is required for Him to be glorified in that situation.

What does the expression, a still small voice mean?
  • A non-dramatic and non-animated revelation of God.
  • A hard-to-believe presence of the Divinity.
  • A unique expression and manifestation of God’s power.
  • And finally, a revelation that God is not always in the noise.
Lessons from the text;
1. God cannot be held to ransom. He is unpredictable, and He is incomprehensible. He is not limited in power, resources, strength, and ability. Elijah in his word said only he remained as a prophet of the Lord. He repeated this three times in 1 Kings 18:221 Kings 19:9-10 and 1 Kings 19:13-14 but God still has many prophets in reserve.

2. You are not better than the next fellow. The fact that you have known God for many years, does not guarantee that God prefers you to the other person.

3. Self-righteousness is a killer. Elijah was so righteous in his own eyes far above every other person in the land but he was wrong.

4. Noise does not always announce the presence of God. Noise in the form of popularity, fame, wealth, miracle, church growth, church population and so on is not equal to God's presence by default.

5. Stop condemning or looking down on anybody, an unbeliever today shall become God's minister tomorrow. Remember, you were once an unbeliever before you became a vessel in the hand of God. God told Elijah in 1 Kings 19:18, “Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him”

In conclusion, God can not be limited in any way, He could decide to manifest Himself in a noisy disposition, even as well in a quiet and still small voice. If you have found yourself vibrantly in His service today, see it as a privilege because God has substitutes readily available at all levels. He could equally choose to use the next fellow. Stop over-rating yourself, God can not be held ransom. Beware!


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