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In the middle of hopelessness and a state of dilemma, Jesus asked a very intriguing question, "How many loaves have ye?"          It is very unlikely to fathom with the hope that any solution could be offered when found in the situation as recorded in Mark 8:1-10. There was hunger, weakness, despair, hopelessness, scarcity and death in view.  The disciples' response was indeed nothing different from mine or yours except we are schooled and able to comprehend what Jesus did to arrest the situation. To have a smooth sail and end well as a Christian on earth, it is important to understand the know-how and steps required to tackle many issues that bedevil us.  As far as the present world is concerned, problems abound. Ranging from health, finance, marriage, family, business, spiritual, and otherwise, every man is encumbered daily with pockets of troubles.  However, these problems are not designed to mar us, rather, they help in shaping our...

The Kingdom Military Academy And Stewardship

MATTHEW 25:14-30

It is quite understandable that every military personnel have gone through the military academy, graduated and appear to look like every other man until they have put on their military attire.
It is also not strange, seeing them behaving like any civilian when not in uniform, but the moment they put on their uniforms, they became fully armed with soldier’s mentality i.e. Obedience to the last command.

However, every child of God enrolled in the Kingdom Military Academy the day we gave our life to Christ. Many of us have already graduated from this academy and we are already wearing our uniform fully armed with the kingdom stewardship and mentality. But many of us are still in the academy knowingly and unknowingly. 

Many just started not too long ago, but many have been there for years and there is even no sign that they will graduate very soon. Well, the day you gave your life to Christ, you became a worker whether you know it or not because you are no more singled out in His command “Go ye into the world and preach the gospel”, you are fully involved.
Hence, when you enrol as a worker in your local church, this means you have graduated from the academy where shame and fear are being sharpened out of your body and you have received boldness and sound mind as your certificate. Now you have been made ready for the gospel of Christ and an invisible uniform as a soldier is now wore on you which also keeps you in tune with the kingdom mentality as well as a sense of stewardship in the kingdom of God. 

But when one is not yet a worker, one is regarded as still being in the academy and not yet fit to pass the test of fear and shame that is required for one to be called into the service. Galatians 4:1-2.
However, the uniform is not given to such individual and this make them to lack the kingdom mentality and a sense of stewardship.

Having given our life to Christ without any sense of stewardship we are likened to a man on a journey of a lifetime. He went visiting a popular rich man in another country. He went with all that he had. On getting there, he met this old man very wealthy, rich and accomplished. He was welcomed into the man’s house with joy and so much love. He continued to stay with this man enjoying everything this man had the first day through all the year and he never made himself available to even join this man in his enterprise. As a result of the loving nature of the rich man, He has never ceased to give him his daily bread. 

Now there is another man who also came just like the first man did. But, the moment he came, he joined this rich man in his enterprise, started working for him and already started earning salary for the labourer is worthy of his wages. Luke 10:7. Of these two individuals however, one stands a greater chance of benefit than the other.

 These two individuals are referred to as believers. The first man is just a member of the congregation while the second man is a worker in God’s vineyard. The rich man however is referred to as God.
Looking at the case of these two individuals, we understand that the second man actually has bigger advantage over the other. 
Apart from the salary he earns, he is gaining experience of the enterprise through learning from the master. Matthew 11:28-30.  
He sees more of the rich man than the other man because the rich man is always at work for He never sleep nor slumber. Psalm 121:4. 
He has a closer relationship with the rich man than the other man.  
He can be sent by the rich man to go and establish the enterprise in another place in the name of the rich man, thereby becoming a branch manager in God’s enterprise. Matthew 28:18-20.  
He could be given the mandate of training other people in the enterprise therefore becoming a resource person in the things of God. Hebrews 5:12-14. 

Dear friend, all it takes for us to become a Christian, a believer and a child of God is just to come unto Jesus and acknowledge Him as our Lord and our saviour. Once this is done with sincerity, you have been enrolled in the Kingdom Military Academy. The earlier you understand and accept this truth and walk in its consciousness, the better for you.

According to the parable of the ten talents, all the servants were entrusted with at least one talent which means whoever you may be as a Christian there is a gift already entrusted in your hand and God expect nothing less but to profit. Nobody is without a gift with which you must serve God as a believer, search within yourself and discover your talent with which you can enlarge the kingdom of God and bless the world.

You are not a Christian only that you can be regarded as one. You are not a Christian only that you can make heaven at the appearance of Jesus Christ. Neither are you a Christian because your parents are. But you are Christian because Jesus died and paid for your sins on the cross of Calvary and you are expected to show this kind of love to the world by serving the kingdom you represent on earth with all the gifts that has been entrusted into your hand.

Remember, these gifts are not useful in heaven, they are meant to be used here on earth. So use it now only to the glory of God for your days are numbered.


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