It is so unfortunate, many of us have invested so much time, money and energy on what seems to look like love but nothing more than selfish interests.
What are the qualities that attract you to your spouse in the first place; beauty, intelligence, smartness, joke cracking, good dress sense, writing skill, oratory skill, singing skill, trading skill, acting skill, soccer skill and so on.
The world have generally attached selfish interests to the word
'love' while in the real sense, love never comes with selfishness but patience, good mannerism, truth, generosity, endurance, long suffering, kindness, hope, believe, humility and tolerance; all in the absence of the aforementioned outward qualities listed above. if the reason you love is defined in the outward qualities listed above then, you do not love; you only operate what seems to look like love but nothing more than selfish interests.
Love Comes From Within
Love is an action carried out from within, without any outward attraction between one another.
Love is God's dominant nature. God is not faith, vision nor power; God is love. I John 4:16.
Understand that each time we talk about God, we are talking about love and each time we talk about love, we are talking about God.
Love is not a worldly affair. in fact, the word
'love' is not understood by the world, for love is a sacred and holy act of the children of God. "He that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him" I John 4:16.
If the love as described in the inward qualities is found in you then you dwell in love, you dwell in God and God dwells in you; and you are thereby made an indestructible child of God.
For us to really understand love, there is a need for us to learn how love is defined from the divine act of God. According to John 3:16, "For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life".
God's kind of love is a giving love, not a taking love. He loved the world so much and He gave the world His only begotten son. It is not a collecting love, but a distributing love.
God's kind of love is not a choosy love but a general love to the world at large.
God's love is not the type that can only be reciprocated, it is a generous love irrespective of the actions at the receiving ends.
The reason you might not have seen much of Him in your life is because you have refused to receive His divine gift of love. But, until you believed and received His wonderful gift of Jesus Christ, He will not force it on you. The gift is always available to you, for His love has the ability to endure, tolerate, long suffer, be patient and persuade you to receive the gift as long as you are still alive.
Practice God's Kind Of Love
With the given example of God's love as a giving love, if we are to operate in true love just like God, we must learn how to;
1. Tolerate one another
2. Endure one another
3. Long suffer for one another
4. Be patient with one another
5. Say the truth all the time
6. Be kind one to another
7. Be of good behaviour to one another
8. Be generous to all man kind without reciprocating evil for evil
9. Believe in one another
10. Have hope and humility towards one another.
Yes your spouse could have deserted you probably for another partner not withstanding, true love as we have discussed is a giving love, do not hesitate to give that gift you bought to him/her.
Remember God's love does not count on your many mistakes; it is an enduring, tolerating, long suffering, meek and patience filled love.
Provoke And Be Provoked Into Love
However, the bible encourages us to provoke one another into love, the world is so sick and the word love is not given its appropriate meaning hence, there is so much love relating issues in the world today.
But with this understanding, the only solution to every love relating issues is by provoking one another into love as suggested by Apostle Paul in Hebrew 10:24.
Less I forget, who actually is referred to as your Val on every Valentine day? Is he/she your spouse or another date? If I fail to tell you this, I do not love you and the truth is not in me.
I John 2:15 admonishes us, "Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. I f any man loves the world , the love of the Father is not in him".
Relationship involving sexual intercourse between people of opposite sex is only allowed in the platform of marriage while that of same sex is absolutely demonic. Anything of this nature is worldly and we are enjoined not to love the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If you are already in a relationship outside marriage, please make an adjustment today and ask God for mercy, He will surely forgive you.
Your true Val is your husband or your wife as the case may be, hold on to each other; endure, tolerate, long suffer, be patient, generous, kind, good, believe, have hope and humility towards one another; and watch your relationship becoming the cynosure of all eyes.
Perhaps you have not accepted the offer of love God sent to you through His son Jesus Christ, please
visit our new convert page and follow the steps involved to accept this offer. It is all yours!
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