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In the middle of hopelessness and a state of dilemma, Jesus asked a very intriguing question, "How many loaves have ye?"          It is very unlikely to fathom with the hope that any solution could be offered when found in the situation as recorded in Mark 8:1-10. There was hunger, weakness, despair, hopelessness, scarcity and death in view.  The disciples' response was indeed nothing different from mine or yours except we are schooled and able to comprehend what Jesus did to arrest the situation. To have a smooth sail and end well as a Christian on earth, it is important to understand the know-how and steps required to tackle many issues that bedevil us.  As far as the present world is concerned, problems abound. Ranging from health, finance, marriage, family, business, spiritual, and otherwise, every man is encumbered daily with pockets of troubles.  However, these problems are not designed to mar us, rather, they help in shaping our...


Galatians 5:25, "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit"
It is so amazing to see a lot of church brethren this day without the evidence, i mean the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Many have been in the church for quite a decade, they even speak in tongues yet they do not know how to manage their anger, selfish ambition, hatred for others, envy, contentions and jealousies.
But, a tree is said to be matured only when it brings forth fruit. No matter how long a tree has been in the forest, it has no value until it has started bringing forth fruit. No wonder Jesus says in John 15:2,
"Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away" 

How old really are you in the Lord? 5, 10, or may be you are even 20 years old. Maturity does not consist in the number of years you have known Jesus but by the virtue of fruit you are bringing forth.
Jesus says in Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them"  
Every child of God is likened to a tree planted by the rivers of water that is suppose to bring forth good fruit in his season. However, all are bringing forth fruit but many, of the fruit of the flesh and the remaining few, of the fruit of the spirit. 

You live actually in the spirit for John 1:12 says, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God", and as a son of God you are a spirit; do you equally walk in the spirit?  
Outburst of anger, selfish ambition, envy, drunkenness, revelries, contentions and hatred for other people according to Galatians 5:19 are all fruit of the flesh that are not suppose to be found anymore in the life of a child of God, how are you going to handle this?
You may not be able to help yourself but you can trust the Holy Spirit when you acquaint yourself in regular fellowship with Him by reading your bible, meditation and praying always; then the Holy Spirit will have His full effect over your life. Love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, long-suffering, gentleness and self-control which are the fruit of the Holy Spirit will become evident in your life.
A mango tree that produces no fruit for many years is as good as firewood. In the like manner, any child of God without the fruit of the Holy Spirit is as good as an unbeliever.
Submit yourself to the ministry of the Holy Spirit today, He has been sent to help, teach and empower us to do that which seem beyond our ordinary control.


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