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In the middle of hopelessness and a state of dilemma, Jesus asked a very intriguing question, "How many loaves have ye?"          It is very unlikely to fathom with the hope that any solution could be offered when found in the situation as recorded in Mark 8:1-10. There was hunger, weakness, despair, hopelessness, scarcity and death in view.  The disciples' response was indeed nothing different from mine or yours except we are schooled and able to comprehend what Jesus did to arrest the situation. To have a smooth sail and end well as a Christian on earth, it is important to understand the know-how and steps required to tackle many issues that bedevil us.  As far as the present world is concerned, problems abound. Ranging from health, finance, marriage, family, business, spiritual, and otherwise, every man is encumbered daily with pockets of troubles.  However, these problems are not designed to mar us, rather, they help in shaping our...


The present situation of life of many people today is nothing different from the situation of the earth at the beginning. Genesis 1:2, "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep". The situation of the earth according to this scripture was very pathetic. Firstly, the earth was without form which means, there was no structure, no beginning, no end, no shape, no guide and no direction. 
Secondly, the earth was void which means, the earth was barren, meaningless, worthless, non-productive, desolate, there was a lot of potentials but all were ineffective and in a total state of hopelessness.
And, thirdly, darkness was upon the face of the deep. This means, not only was earth without form, not only was it void, the earth was totally covered in darkness. This implies there was no clue, no hope of a better thing to happen on earth.
In summary, the earth was in total disarray, disorder, mess and chaos.

The state of things in the lives of many people and many things around us today is quite similar to the situation of the earth at the beginning as described in the Bible text. For instance, Luke 8:26-33 tells us about the mad man of Gadarene. The account of the situation of this man's life was nothing different from the situation of the earth in the beginning. He was living a deformed life, a barren life and a life characterised by hopelessness. May this never be your portion in the name of Jesus Christ.

And when we look around us today, some marriages have failed to produce the required fruit. Some lives are dominated by sickness. Some people are perpetually under a spell and demonic influences. And, there are Christians that have surrendered their lives to Jesus but not able to produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit. All these situations of life are nothing different to the pathetic state of the earth at the beginning. These situations render lives to be deformed, void and in total darkness. May the light of God shine over your life today in the name of Jesus. May every part of your life without form receive shape today in the name of Jesus. May every emptiness in your lives be filled with the glory of God in Jesus name.

However, it does not matter how pathetic and hopeless the situation of your life may be, with God nothing shall be impossible. And, yours shall be possible today in the name of Jesus. So, When God discovered the hopeless state of the earth in Genesis 1:3, the Bible says, "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light". There shall be light to every area of your life covered in darkness today in Jesus name. Be it your business, career, job, marriage, ministry, health, and finances, the light of God shall locate you today in the name of Jesus. 
The appearance of light, no matter how little, dislodge darkness away from anywhere it has thrived. 
2 Corinthians 6:14, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"
1 Thessalonians 5:5, "Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness".
That is why I know there shall be no hiding place for any darkness over your life again in the name of Jesus.


1. Every problem encountered on earth pre-existed man and was already waiting even before man was born.

The light was not the first thing that existed on earth at the beginning, there were pre-existing elements on earth before the creation of light. The earth was without form(deformity) and it was void(barrenness). There was darkness also, which was a great liability to the progress of humankind. It symbolizes hopelessness, cluelessness, fear, confusion, uncertainty, despair, stagnation, failure, unfruitfulness, depression, oppression and every form of ungodliness. Darkness is simply everything that is anti-God or against God. It is proof of the presence of the Devil on earth.
All these elements pre-existed the creation of light at the beginning and these stood as obstacles even to God to continue the creation activities until the light was created and habitable earth was finally made for man to dwell. Now, if this was the case with God, man would need to learn from God how He could create the earth just with His word.

2. The first step to take when finding a solution to any problems on earth is, to gain access to the word of God. 

Many people sometimes find it a waste of time checking the manufacturer's product manuals after the purchase of an expensive gadget when it has a fault. This has resulted in more damages to the item on many occasions. However, rather than engaging in unprofessional practices trying to restore the item, reading through the manufacturer's product manual would not only help to give straightforward instructions to restore the item but, will as well expose you to know more about the functions of your gadget.
In the same manner, the word of God is light and at the same time your manufacturer's manual to find solutions to any challenge that may arise during the cause of your sojourn here on earth. Instead of going somewhere else first when situations arise, it is important to know that the Bible remains the first and the best option. Psalms 119:105, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path".
Psalms 119:130, "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple".
This, therefore, implies that the word of God must be introduced first to any problem we encounter in our lives. 
God had to make sure that Light was created before any other thing. 
Light is very necessary because nothing absolutely could be done in the darkness. 

3. The knowledge of the word of God alone is not all that is required to realize your earthly goals, you must walk in the light of the word.

Knowledge is information, understanding is comprehension, and, wisdom is application. It takes a man that possesses the aforementioned attributes to succeed in life. Although the light was crucial in the process of creation, God did not stop after the light has come into existence, The light boosted His creating ability and He continued until He was able to create an earth that is habitable for men.
This means having access to the word alone is not enough, you have to put into practice everything the word says. The word gives light and it teaches you what to do when you come across issues of life. 
James 1:22-23, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
For if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:"

In conclusion, light is an attribute of God, and all His children are referred to as children of light. Therefore, it takes only those that belong to Him to experience His glorious light in their lives. 
Perhaps, you are reading this message and you have not surrendered your life to Jesus, please understand that only the children of God will see the light of God shining over their lives and you are only qualified for this after you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ.


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